Road To Recovery
- Tigray can use the experiences of successful economies in recovering from war and develop contextualized innovative policies and strategies to sustainably develop the economy and the region.
- The war not only destroyed the existing already poor infrastructure but also caused the loss of social, political, and economic institutions.
- However, despite the extent and severity of the destruction, with the right policies, and political and institutional setup, recovery is a possibility as observed from the history of various other places around the world.

How It Works
- Knowledge and information can help make an informed decision regarding what kind of policies and strategies to follow.
- Preparing a discussion paper can speed up the development of policies and strategies that can be used in the process of re-building of the region;
- Historical case studies of selected countries that showed greater economic comeback after a devastated war
- A recovery and development framework based on the best practices captured in the historical case studies.
How You Can Contribute
Resource Mobilization
Direct Project Engagement
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Sharing