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Momon Men troship Program

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  • An outreach program to reach out to Ethiopian youth who are in need of extra help to enroll in a career-advancing education program.

  • It is a unique program that connects one youth in need with one capable and motivated person like you to help him/ her access the world which otherwise can’t!

  • Through the mentor-ship program, mentors like you can provide the essential skill of preparing for the real world and access various scholarship programs throughout the world.

  • Beneficiary: those that have the minimum qualification to join a scholarship program but are struggling to access information, prepare their credentials, fill the application form online, prepare for an interview, and so forth.

Why Volunteer

  • Contribute to the personal growth of a youth: Just by creating the opportunity to openly discuss with relatively successful individuals, this program will contribute to the personal growth of the individuals involved in the mentorship program.

  • Create access to career-advancing education programs: If successful, it will also help in advancing the knowledge and skill level of individuals by creating access to quality career-advancing education programs.

  • Contribute to the improvement of the educated human base of Ethiopia: Together, we can educate 10,000 individuals in the coming three years; hence improving the much-needed knowledge and skill accumulation of Ethiopia.

“A mentor is a more experienced individual  willing to share knowledge with someone
less experienced in a relationship of mutual trust"

Type of Momon Mentroship Program

One Time- One Program Mentorship Program (OTOPMP):

occurs for a certain period of time. The objective is to assist the youth with specific applications. It can include working through the preparation of documents for the selected application, assisting in the application, and preparing for an interview if any

One Time- Many Programs Mentorship Program (OTMPMP):

 occurs for a certain period of time. This is to assist the youth for a specific period to search for some program to apply for and assist him/her in the preparation, application, and evaluation process.

Three Months Mentorship Program (TMMP):

 this occurs for three months. The objective is to provide mentees continuous support such as giving them direction, teaching them some skills, assisting the youth for three months to search for some program to apply for, and supporting him/her in the preparation, application, and evaluation process. It can also include sponsoring or supporting the youth to get short-term skills through online virtual training. 

Extended Mentorship Program (EMP):

this occurs for an extended period of time depending on the mentor’s willingness to extend their support to cover other parts of life both before joining the school and in school life. It includes whole round support for the youth to access various life skills, help them in finding and applying for scholarships and support them through their school life.

How the mentorship programme works:

Participation in the one-year mentorship programme requires both a successful application and a successful match. Successful matching mostly depends on the ratio of available mentors to mentees.
Areas of mentoring include, but are not limited to: skills development, career advice, developing clinical and research interests, advice on designing a successful research project, publishing research, and establishing work-life balance.
The successfully matched mentor-mentee pairs are contacted at the end of April or October, depending on the period of application, and subsequently published. Agreement between mentor and mentee on participation officially marks the beginning of the one-year program duration.


As a mentor, you will help to guide and strengthen the next generation of neurologists, thus helping to ensure that research and clinical neurology will develop. 

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As a mentee in this programme, you have the chance to interact with an experienced professional in the field of neurology and ask for advice on specific projects or personal development.

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Becoming A Mentor

How much does it cost to be a mentor?

  • Nothing! Literally and figuratively! (Can we add one time $5 or $10 per network running cost?

  • If we calculate the cost of a one-to-one/five mentorship program in terms of monetary value, then it costs zero dollars for mentors and mentees.

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